Blog Readers 2021—Thank You!

This is my last blog for 2021, and during this holiday season I wanted to take a quick moment and thank you for reading my blogs which are posted with Spirituality Adventures. I have been posting a blog every week for just over one year so we now have over fifty blogs published. Some of you have read every blog I have posted! Thank you! Some of you have read one or more my blogs and made comments. Thank you! It’s a labor of love each week to write a blog. I write it, have it proof read, rewrite it, and then publish it Sunday nights through email and Monday mornings through social media. One new reader shared with me that he went back and read all my blogs and loved them. I’m so grateful.

I am new to the blogging world so I am learning all the time. Here are a few ways you can help if you like what you read:

1.     Share the blog with your friends, family, and social media connections.

2.     Make comments on social media.

3.     Go back and read blogs you missed and share the ones you like.

4.     Consider supporting the blog with monthly financial support. We have a very small but faithful team of monthly supporters. Monthly supporters receive bonus content, so check that out. For example, I do an eighteen minute audio blog commentary on every blog I write. It’s a personal glimpse into my thoughts and feelings behind the blog.

5.     Make private comments by replying to the email.

 I just wanted to thank you for reading! Have a great holiday and New Year!



©realfredherron, 2021


Setting Goals and Managing Expectations


Magi—Non-Christian Followers of Jesus